If you ready last weeks post you have your pre-plan game ready for the weekly planning session to start. So, have you got your, master to-do list, your appointments and tasks? Good shall we dive into the planning that we need to do. Put on your favorite relaxing music. Get something to drink, shut off the Internet and find a quiet place. It’s time for your weekly planning process.
The first thing you do is list all of the tasks you want to do in the next week. Next set priorities and categorise your tasks. I start with my month at a glance. This isn’t super fancy decorated it is simple with stickers marking appointments or reoccurring tasks.

I use post-its to mark any events or appointments that come up and add them to the correct month. I use this alongside Google calendar as my partner – Jono – works a few days in Wijchen and often goes to conference, so we have a shared calendar so that he can let me know when and where he is each week.P
I start by marking when Jono is away in the upcoming week that is usually done with some thin washi or a orange pen on the bottom of the days or at the top of the days depending on what kit or stickers I am using that week.
I next fill in my weather – Now being in England it’s pretty miserable regardless but it’s good to know if the day I have that particular appointment I’m going to need the wellies or not.
Appointments next I usually use a half box to mark these as I’m quite a visual person that signals to me a chunk of time that I need to account for in my day. I then use an icon of some description to mark what that appointment is.

To-do list are a big part of my weekly plan as well as I try to do at least 2 priorities per dump category every day. I know that may seem a lot but I don’t plan out all my tasks on a Sunday I actually spend about 30 mins each day before bed to go through the day – do a bit of journaling and writing tomorrows to do list so if something took longer then I expected I can move one of the task to the next day.
And that is it really for my weeklies I tend to keep things very simple as I bullet journal on a daily basis which for me is essentially a to-do this each day pulled from my weekly and monthly master lists and Trello.
I, after a lot of trial and error have a hybrid digital and analog system that works for me and Jono. We have iterated on many a system and have found a great balance. If you would like to know more about this let me know in the comments or via social media.
I hope this has helped you in some small way. Let’s kick this years butt!