Lifenote for 13 May to 19 May 2024

At the end of each week, I spend some time looking back on the past week and planning my coming week. I may even print out a photo or two to put in my journal. Or perhaps pull a tarot card for the week.

I collect my thoughts on life, work, work-related stuff, cultural things or days out, home projects/improvements, and what I’m looking forward to. You are welcome to read as much or as little as you like.


  • I’ve been on Sertraline for about 3 months now, and while still having low days, they are much fewer and farther between. Must talk to the doctor about up the dosage.
  • Finally, I got a urine sample of Path. I should hear back soon. They are testing his kidney function.
  • Drive is coming along great! I’ve started to pass my mock tests consistently. Though I failed the hazard perception as I was anticipating the hazard too soon.
  • Currently reading The Painted Man, and I’m halfway through Create Once, Distribute Forever
  • Working on Willow’s recall as well, her recall word is cocktail. She’s doing well on this. I need to introduce a distraction now.
  • Spent Saturday in slow mode. Sat out in the sun with Willow and may have dipped toes in the paddling pool.


  • Getting better at writing up SOW’s. Wondering if I should also start doing the contracts as well.
  • Invoices have gone out and chased up those not paid yet.
  • Product launch has been delayed, but loving the more casual approach to this.
  • New person starting at Emilia, which I’m excited about.

Culture darling

  • Discovery, my gosh, this season is something to slog through. I love the idea of the story that is going on, but I feel like I’ve just fallen out of love with the characters.
  • Drinks with friends at The Rook & Gaskill (dog friendly).

Home improvements

  • The new window is in, there is so much more light in the kitchen. And the plasterer has done around the window as well. Just need to paint now.
  • Need to plant out the squash and courgettes. We’re still finding lots of horsetail in the veg plots.
  • The veg plots have taken a bit of a back seat the year with everything going on with the kitchen and learning to drive.
  • Had an idea to extend the arch way for a climbing plant. Bought the bits I need for that.

Have forgotten to keep hold of these, doh.

Looking forwards

Work / work adjacent

  • Heading to Wijchen again soon!
  • WCEU! I’ve picked out the talks that I want to go see and I have a bunch of pride bits coming to take with me.


  • Theory test is booked for the 5th of June.

Home improvement

  • It is time to finalise the layout of the kitchen.


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