You will have seen in years gone past that I have used a variety of Hobonichi planners. You can find my review of the cousin 2017 and 2018. For 2019 I have the cousin and the weeks mega along with my Happy Planner and I will get into how I am going to be using them in 2019 but for now, let’s get into this review.

I had to get the Banana Weeks, I mean how could I not it is such a happy colour and it just makes me smile! The outside has a

When you open it up you have a textured paper in the front with Hobo on it in a pale colour. This is a really nice and simple start to the planner and after that, it leads straight into the first pages of the planner. These are the same as the weeks as well.

Mega Weeks! Now the only difference between this and the normal weeks is the fact that this has more notes pages in the back, and I mean a lot more, but I will get to that in a bit.

Next, we have the year overview with the previous year and the year to come. This is great as a quick reference and is hand to mark off holidays and travel. I very rarely use these pages but I might this year, I’m not sure yet. *whispers* Probably not.

The next page shows a more detailed version of this year with the ability to write very small but you could use this to track moods, periods, holidays, days off. It’s really quite versatile. This I will actually use. I am going to be tracking my travel and with a few conferences already booked in it is going to be a busy year!

This is where we start getting into the meat of the planner and when you start to see what you are going to be using for the next 12 months. The calendar is a Monday start with the weekends together which I love! I can never get my head around Sunday starts.
The monthly pages go from December 2018 through to March 2020 so you can back forward plan past next year a little bit at least.
At the bottom of the page

But this is what you are here for! The weekly pages that have three tiny dots that you can use to separate the day or not. It’s up to you! Then a wide open space with a faint grid and a secret line to divide up your to-do list.
This has got to be the biggest draw for me I work best when I have just a big list of shit to get done that week and I need to realise that and stop trying to do it daily. But I also need a little weekly tracker which I will be drawing out at the bottom each week.
And you know what in all the videos that I have watched about the weeks no one has mentioned that you can start using this in December 2018!

So guess what I’ll be doing on the 26th of November when my Hobonichi starts! I can’t believe that no one has thought to mention this in any review! I have watched a lot of videos and read a lot of blog post and not a one mentioned this! I was so excited when I realised this!

The Hobonichi weeks also has two book marks, I am not really a fan of built in bookmarks and I tend to tear them out but I am going to give these a go and hope of the best. If not back to the paperclips for me!


It has the normal grid paper with the secret line on it. I am going to be using this section mainly for daily logs and collections and the best part about this is that the pages are numbered!

Again something that a lot of people don’t mention in their reviews of the weeks or the mega. This again is a massive plus because I can put a index in and just go!

With the weeks you get a little adhesive pocket and I have just slipped in my green Hobonichi stencil. And on the very back cover of the Hobonichi Weeks Mega.

There is a small Hobonichi embossed on the back. Overall I am really happy with this little planner and I am hoping to get a few basic pages set up of the next few days so that he is ready to get used!
Have you gone for a Hobonichi for 2019? Or is this your first year with the brand?
That’s all from me today! You can follow me on Instagram @samalderson_. Or alternatively, you can sign up to get notifications everytime I post. Just fill in that box on the left.
Happy Planning!
Hello Sam,
This is my first time giving hobonichi a try and I purchased the Mega Weeks. I also got a beautiful cover from Chic Sparrow. I tend to have alot of work stuff in my planner too so I hope to incorporate it all into one that will fit right in my bag.
Do you have any pen recommendations? I had wondered about bleed through and such. I love a really nice fine point blank pen.
thanks for your review.
Hey Mary! That is something that I will be doing at the weekend I have a variety of pens that I am testing and then adding to this post so keep an eye out for an update. Seriously I have a lot!
I just bought this same exact Hobo and I’m having difficulty finding the right cover. I want a TN cover but with multiple elastics to add notebooks. I’ve seen some but they’re so pricey! If you have any suggestions please let me know!! Thanks in advance ☀️☀️
Get in touch with Dyanna at R-kive journals ( bottom of this page and she will be able to make you something custom