Sunday is my planning time, for this usually takes about 30-40 mins depending on how much I have going on and to make sure that I have caught everything. I need my monthly plan, last weeks spread, a notepad and a pen. I’m going to be taking you through how I set my self up to make sure that I have caught everything that needs to be done and that any tasks that have not been done get done!
Looking back
I start by looking at last week to see if I have any open tasks make a list of them and then I look at my month for the week ahead to see if there are any appointments that are coming up. I also consult my brain dump to see if there are any of these tasks that I can do in the upcoming week. If there are any next actionable steps I can take when they go on the list as well.

Stuff to get done!
To-do list are a big part of my weekly plan as I have certain tasks that happen on each day every week regardless and in addition to that, I try to have a top three priorities every day. I don’t know about you but I can sometimes get zealous and put too much on my plate.

I know that may seem a lot, but I don’t allocate my tasks to every day on a Sunday they all go on that week’s master to-do list. I actually spend about 20mins each day before bed going through the day. Do a bit of journaling and writing tomorrows to do list pulling things from my master to-do list and brain-dump. So, if something took longer then I expected I can move it to the next day if I feel I can do it.
Thoughts on pre-planning
I envy those people that can plan their week down to all the tasks that they will do each day. I have tried to plan my week this way, but I have learned for my life, stuff takes over and some tasks may take longer then I expected, but if not and I can get a few more task done, it swings in roundabouts. I think to have that much structure my brain rebels so I know what for me. Little and often works.

And you’ll find out what works for you in time. But, it does mean reviewing your planning routine and making sure that you are using it to the fullest for you. And I mean you not Instagram or Facebook followers, if it doesn’t work then dump it and try something else.
I know that this can be hard, I have been there but trust me, trial and error will get you to the point where you won’t even need to think about your routine, you’ll just do it. I have tried MANY different planners of the year, If you have a look through the blog you’ll see just how many I have gone through.
But I have for lack of a better term have planner peace with my system for now. And I think that is something that we all need to remember that there are no constants in life and plans change, so should your planner. It should adapt to you not the other way round.
There is no point struggling with something in your planner if it not working for you. There is no harm in trying something and then realising that it doesn’t work, at least you tried. Stick around for next weeks blog where I go into how I plan my week.
That’s all for me today! You can follow me on Instagram @samalderson_. Or alternatively, you can sign up to get notifications every time I post. Just fill in that box on the left.
Stay Happy!