Planner Meet-Up Tips

Planner Meets can be overwhelming and if you haven’t been to one before even more so! Once you have been to a few you learn how to manage not only the meet but yourself as well.

After having gone to a number of meet-ups and not enough if I am honest, there are a few tips and tricks that I can give you in order to survive and thrive at a meet-up and make the best of the day or days! As I say in my post about meet-up nerves everyone is in the same boat as you and they are just as nervous.

Don’t bring loads

You really don’t need to bring a lot with you. Because you are going to be so focused on what is going on around you, that you are not really going to have time to look at your planner! I know the scandal!

Bring a spare tote or two

This is something that I have learned the hard way. There is so much stuff at a planner meets from shop freebies. To gifts and swag not to mention the swaps table. Bring 1-2 extra tote bags with you it will really help trust me!

Have a reusable bottle

This is something that I have started to do when going to meets is having a bottle that I can refill as and when I need and remember to stay hydrated! I know that it is really exciting at a meet, but, we don’t want you passing out.

Snacks aplenty

Along with water bring a few snacks. Yes, I know what your gonna say, “Food is provided” Yes but there may not always be something that you like. There are a lot of people there that are just as hungry as you. Bring a few snack bars they will curb the hangry status and avoid headaches.

Don’t get distracted by the swaps table

I know the temptation to hit the swaps table is real and I have found some treasures in the past but there is a load of shops at each meet-up that is bringing their shop to you for you to sniff and touch the goodies. AVOID THE SWAPS TABLE!

Ask people for selfies. Don’t be shy

This is something that I always forget to do! If you see someone that you admire or have insta-stalked (yes we have all been there) and want to get a photo with, go ask them and I have never known anyone turn people down for a photo. It’s also really flattering to think that someone wants a photo with you.

Make a weekend of it!

If you can fit it into your budget make it a weekend affair! There is a lot to do in any city that has a meet-up and if you do a bit of research you can find some amazing tourist attractions to visit.

Table gifts are by no means compulsory 

There will be a lot of talk about table gifts. You do not need to bring gifts for your table, you are enough, there is going to be so much love and excitement and plenty of goodies to go around. Now if you have the time and money to do this, it is a very sweet way to bond with your table. BUT, you do not need to do this!

Bring a charger brick!

You are going to be on and off your phone and taking photos maybe going live to share the event with your followers this is something that I have learned to make sure that I have in order to survive the day.

Know your limits

We are a community of ambiverts and knowing your people limit is very much needed. Most meet-ups now have a safe space for you to go and have some time to yourself. If you start to feel overwhelmed then head to that safe space.

These are great places to start with a meet-up. I hope that these help you a little bit to enjoy you next or first meet-up a If you have any more tips and trick please put them in the comments below!

1 Comment

  1. stevemorton

    These are excellent tips Sam.

    Always ask before looking inside someone else’s planner, and of course treat anything you see in there in complete confidence.

    Have some ‘contact cards’ with your social media user names printed on them, include your email address if need be, but not your mobile number unless you are happy to include it.

    Keep a page in your notebook handy to jot down information and reminders for when you get home.

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